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The Adventures of Toby Marriott

Is Steve Marriott's son following in his father's footsteps?

Contributions from Brian Proust and Alicia Izquierdo.

Latest News from Brian Proust:

Toby's band, PIMLICO, have been in the recording studio laying down some demo tracks lately, and put down the finishing touches late Wednesday night. He and the band's manager, Kevin Jennings returned to Kevin's Atlanta apartment from the studio Early Thursday morning to receive a number of phone calls about the passing of Ronnie Lane. Kevin knew both Steve and Ronnie when he lived in London during the late 1960s and through the 1970s and was soft spoken on the subject but obviously shaken. Toby was also understandably saddened.

There is no word yet on what will become of the PIMLICO studio sessions beyond using the tapes for securing some local club dates. PIMLICO recently played a couple gigs with Drivin' and Cryin', a fairly well known pop group from Athens, Georgia.

The SuperNaturals played at Dottie's in Atlanta, Georgia last night to a crowd of about 30. If you've ever been to Dottie's, you'll also know that the fewer people the better. At any rate, Mary and I arrived a bit late, thinking that the Lizardmen were opening for the SuperNaturals. This wasn't the case. We came in to find a young band on stage who sounded to be caught somewhere between Pub Rock and Peal Jam. On guitar was Toby Marriott.

Toby bears a very strong resemblance to his father, the most noticeable difference being his Geldof-esque sunken cheeks. Still, if you had to pick him out of a crowd, you could. The same compliments, however, can't be extended to his clothes. Baggy khaki trousers and work boots complimented (?) a green and yellow Van Gogh looking nylon shirt (again, two sizes too large). However, he did have halfway decent hair.

The SuperNaturals went through their set fairly easily, but I couldn't help but notice that they seemed to just be going through the motions. Toby did sing one number, but a dodgy mix made his voice sound as if he had the mumps. Musical highlight of the evening was a 12 bar blues jam, which, while still sounding very pub rock oriented, sounded vaguely based on the Yardbirds' classic Jeff's Boogie. One of the Lizardmen camp sat in with some much appreciated harp sounds from the back of the stage, which still provided their Stone Temple Pilots loving singer an opportunity to stand at the front of the band and look utterly useless while he sipped a Budweiser and made eyes at the girls in the audience. They ended their set with a lackluster version of Twist and Shout, with a botched ending halfway through Toby's uncomfortable guitar solo. I think the singer was confused.

The Atlanta mod scene was represented by only five. Francois, Justin and Kelly arrived early and got to speak with Toby. Toby is very aware of all of the recent hoopla surrounding the Small Faces. He owns the book, he knew about the convention in London (Francois was more than happy to point out that he was wearing the same outfit that he wore to the convention), and he keeps contact with Ronnie Lane, Kenny Jones and Ian McLagan. Apparently, we were the first mods he's come in contact with (unless you count the ageing Small Faces) and for what it's worth, he looked at us a lot. Whether this was out of appreciation or worry, I still don't know. Still, he seemed very sincere and appreciative to hear complimentary words about his father. It seems that his mother (or step-mother) is in Jail in England right now, but those details aren't known to me. (Editor's note: Toby is the son of Steve and Pam. Steve's third wife Toni was sent to jail)

So, I can't say much for the SuperNaturals, but Toby Marriott is a competent guitar player, and, at the young age of 21, has a lot ahead of him. Maybe he'll ditch his band for something more worthwhile. So who does he like better.....The Small Faces, Humble Pie or Packet of Three? I was scared to ask, for fear of the answer.

Later news from Alicia Izquierdo:

I had the pleasure of speaking with Toby Marriott and his band's new manager Kevin a couple of weeks ago. Toby's band is now called Pimlico because of the confusion caused by the SuperNaturals name. I spoke with Kevin tonight and he says Toby is displaying increasing interest in having an organist in the band in addition to a harmonica player. Kevin himself used to play harmonica for the Lizardmen here in Atlanta. Pimlico plays a very early show on Sunday night (9 pm), the Sixth of April at Smith's Olde Bar in midtown Atlanta.

October 1998 Update from Brian Proust:

Toby Mariott was recently in England to visit family. While there he apparently spent some time with Steve Craddock, who introduced him to Pat Arnold. Toby couldn't say enough great things about either Steve or P.P. It seems that he has a goal of moving to England with his girlfriend and baby to pursue his musical career. There were some pretty strong suggestions that he may audition for Ocean Colour Scene or do some work with Paul Weller, but Toby was sure to tell me that these plans are things that "could" happen rather then "would" happen. Any of you reading this would be well advised to not get your hopes up too much, however, as Toby will not be moving until the baby is a little older and he can afford the move.

Toby became a father late this summer. I apologize for not getting the date and name of the child, but please understand that Toby and I had both been enjoying a few tasty beverages at the Star Bar, so I've done well to remember what's here! I see him less often since the birth of his child, but will make it a point to get this information next time I do see him.

Band wise, Toby is playing, but the band continues to change instead of evolve, a number of band names have come and gone, and he's only played a handful of gigs in the last year. More than anything, it seems that Toby just isn't being very selective about who he plays with. He lives in the suburbs of Atlanta, where the pool of musicians is significantly smaller than in the city and that's got to complicate matters. Knowing that he's got a real talent for the guitar and wants to play, this frustrates even me, only someone who wants to see him do well. It would be nice to see him get something successful going.

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