This new DVD is a documentary of the
Small Faces career from R&B-loving Mods through the
"flower-power" years to the era of heavier rock. It is a mix of
live and promotional film footage as well as interviews with
those who have been close to the band.
The Small Faces had a brief chart
career where they moved from teen-stars to protagonists of
leading-edge rock music. During this time, they produced a
string of classic hit singles, including the number 1 All or
Nothing, and three great albums. The last of the LP releases
was Ogden's Nut Gone Flake. This was an unusual record
with the second side taken up by the story of Happiness Stan
which was narrated by Stanley Unwin.
The documentary is presented in
chronological order with most of the singles represented by
promotional film footage or, in some cases, genuine live footage
or some taken from television appearances. While none of this is
new, much of it has not been available on DVD before. It is a
pity that there are some appearances that are available but have
not been released on DVD, video or CD-ROM format such as the
Morecombe & Wise show or the whole of the Colour Me Pop Show
where Ogden's was played in its entirety. This will have
to wait for another day. Nevertheless, the clips that have been
chosen work well to illustrate the songs. The best live clip, in
my opinion, is of the legendary Booker T & the MGs playing
Green Onions. Superb stuff!
The interviews are with those who
were closer to the band although no recent interviews with
members of the band itself or their families. Steve Marriott
biographers John Hellier and Paulo Hewitt are featured
prominently as are journalists Nigel Williamson, Keith Altham
and Chris Welch. Dave Clark, co-author of Nice One also
makes a number of appearances.
This is a comprehensive look at
the career of one of Britain's most influential and still-loved
bands that will be equally at home in the collections of Small
Faces die-hards as well as those who like the music but knew
little about what lies behind the music. Young fans will be
particularly interested, having not been able to be there first
time round to witness the excitement generated by the East End's
own Fab Four.
The DVD is completed with an
illustrated discography and an extremely difficult "Hardest
Small Faces Quiz in the World Ever." |