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Musicians' Corner

Do you want to know more about the instruments played by the Small Faces? This is the place.

Matthew Waid Parker:

What model organ did McLagan typically play? It looks like a Hammond of a model I don't recognise. No Leslie, either, huh? What kind of amp?

I've seen a shot of him on Carnaby with a Farfisa, but I want to know about the spinnet with the slots on the back and the drawbars and flip tabs on the front.

Also, did Mariott always play a Gretsch? What amps?

In "Goldmine" magazine last year Mac described what type of Organ he plays. As far as Marriott is concerned, he played a Gretsch, (I think he bought it off Ronnie Lane when the Small Faces first started), a Gibson 335, a Gibson Les Paul (mostly in late 66-early 67), Fender Telecaster. If you can get the book "Happy Boys Happy" it has a complete listing of every Guitar Marriott used from Electric to Acoustic- every guitar he ever used from the Faces-Humble Pie- it's in German, but it should be published in English very soon. As far as amps go Steve used Marshall stacks (they were getting banned from UK concert halls cause they were too loud!) Selmer amps & Vox AC30s.

Steve's Guitars

Craig Carlson notes that during the Colour Me Pop sessions, Steve was using a sunburst Telecaster with a Gibson P-90 pick-up in the neck position. This gives the guitar a much "fatter" sound than it would normally have.

Kenney's Drums

If you are interested in drums and cymbals then you can check out Kenney's kit set-up on the Sabian cymbals Web page.

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