Sergeant Pepper is widely regarded as the greatest album of
all time. Why is that and is it correct? This a certainly a great album but the
importance of it must be viewed within the proper context. It was released in
1967 and was the third of three Beatles albums that changed music, Rubber Soul
and Revolver being the other two. It was the first concept album. It contained
previously unheard sounds. In short, Sergeant Pepper was the album that changed
music from a singles-oriented market to a serious art form where albums were the
most important. There were no singles on this album although this was not
unusual amongst Beatles albums.
The first thing to notice about Sergeant Pepper is Peter
Blake's inspirational cover art. This has been much aped and imitated and
even 40 years later it remains striking. Inside the cover were cut-out
moustaches and military insignia to help develop the Sergeant Pepper concept.
Onto the record itself. The opening riff of the title track
is legendary as Paul McCartney introduces the fictional band. This leads on to
Ringo Starr's regular vocal performance, this time as Billy Shears. With a
Little Help from my Friends has the distinction of a being a UK single hit
on two occasions though not the original Beatles version. Both Joe Cocker and
Wet Wet Wet have scored with this song.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is one of the album's
stand-out and most controversial tracks. There appears to be little doubt that
The Beatles were indulging in certain substances around this time and this may
be reflected in the LSD initials of the song title. However, Lennon claimed that
the title was taken from a painting his young son Julian brought home from
school. Make your own mind up on this one. Nevertheless, the song is a classic
of British psychedelia.
It's Getting Better has the classic call and refrain
"It's getting better..It can't get no worse."
The sounds on Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite are
so unusual and make the listener believe he or she is in a fairground or circus.
The title was taken from a poster which Lennon had seen. The swirling sounds of
the steam organ were created from actual recordings of steam organs with
producer George Martin cutting up the tapes, shuffling them and sticking them
back together.
While this was certainly not the Beatles' first use of
Indian instruments, Within You Without You shows the extent that Indian
music was having on the group at this time, particularly on George Harrison.
Paul McCartney said that When I'm 64 was one of the
first songs he ever wrote. Again there is a change of pace with this track.
Lovely Rita is driven by a simple Ringo drum pattern
as, I'm sure, Paul McCartney looks for good amongst those who give out parking
Sounds Incorporated provide the brass backing for Lennon's
Good Morning Good Morning.
To be completed
Release date: 26 May 1967
CD Release Date: 1992
Essential Tracks:
- A Day in the Life
- Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite
- Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Track Listing:
- Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
- With a Little
Help from My Friends
- Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
It's Getting Better
- Fixing a Hole
- She's Leaving Home
Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite
- Within You Without You
When I'm Sixty-Four
- Lovely Rita
- Good Morning Good
- Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
- A Day in the Life