Guide to British Music of the 1960s |
March 2001 |
CD Review |
The Bonzo Dog Band - Cornology |
A somewhat different tack from the usual Making Time CD review. The Bonzo Dog Band was a group of individuals who mixed pop with jazz and Vaudeville and, to some extent, psychedelia. They had a major hit the I'm The Urban Spaceman, produced by Paul McCartney under the pseudonym Apollo C Vermouth. The band also appeared in the Beatles' film Magical Mystery Tour. This collection of three CDs is the complete works of the Bonzo Dog Band. Originally known as the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, the first few singles are included on the third CD. The single My Brother Makes the Noises for the Talkies and I'm Going To Bring A Water Melon to My Girl Tonight brings the jazz tradition to the fore and fuses this with deep meaningful lyrics. The jazz style continued into the first album Gorilla. This contains the classic Intro and the Outro as well as Big Shot and Cool Britannia (so you didn't invent it My Blair!) The other three albums included here continued the comedy theme with Vivian Stanshall and Neil Innes well to the for. Innes penned the classic I'm the Urban Spaceman and later was the driving force behind the prefab four, the Rutles. The Tadpoles album contained "the hit" Also included on Tadpoles is the Bonzo's cover of Boris Pickett & the Cryptkickers' Monster Mash. The final Bonzo Dog Band album of the 1960s was Keynsham. As a former resident of the town I have to admire this album. the best track on this album is Mr Slater's Parrot, a Stanshall special later resurrected for a Cadbury's chocolate commercial. Let's Make and Be Friendly was released during the early 1970s for contractual reasons but was a bit of a disappointment compared with earlier Bonzo Dog Band work. A hint of the Rutles is evident in Fresh Wound while Stanshall's Rawlinson End had an outing. Many of the tracks can be viewed as pastiche and parody rather than pure comedy although Keynsham is more of a concept album, not at all "funny haha" but building prisons for ourselves. It was released at a time when many bands were looking to push into unchartered territory and the Bonzos were no exception to this. The CD booklets have an extensive biography of the band that is well-worth reading. This is also illustrated with many photographs of the band. The Bonzos were much more than a 1920s revival band and they became accomplished satirists. The band went on to other things, Innes has already been mentioned and he was also extensively involved with Monty Python notably in The Holy Grail. Stanshall underook a number of projects including the musical Stinkfoot. "Legs" Larry Smith became very friendly with Keith Moon. Released: 1992 EMI CDDOG1Essential Tracks:
Track Listing: Gorilla
The Doughnut in Granny's Greenhouse
Dog Ends
Let's Make Up and Be Friendly
?Making Time 1997-2008