British Beat Groups of the 1960s

Book Review: Classic Rock Albums Disraeli Gears by John Platt

July 1999

Disraeli Gears was covered by a recent Making Time CD Review. This book is one of a series that looks at the making of classic rock albums. We have already reviewed the Let It Be/Abbey Road book in the series. This book differs in that it moves beyond discussing just Disraeli Gears but is, more or less, a full biography of Cream. As such, it fills an important gap on the bookshelves. It starts with the early days in the jazz and blues clubs in London and takes the reader through the band's rise and the making of the three studio albums.

Like the other books in the series it is easy to ready in a relatively concise format. It is illustrated with numerous photographs with most of them taken from the Disraeli Gears sessions in New York. There are also many gig advertisements. While in New York, the band played part of Murray the K's showcase which also included the Who. Both Cream and the Who were signed to NEMS and this helped Cream to get on the bill.

The book is easy to read and provides a brief history of one of rock's most talented and influential groups.

mp, June 1999




ISBN: 0-7522-2328-3

Published 1998 by Boxtree


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Last Updated: 30 June 1999

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