British Beat Groups of the 1960s


Book Review: Groupie by Jenny Fabien & Johnny Byrne

October 1999

Jenny Fabien has already appeared in a couple of books recently reviewed in Making Time, notably Back in the Woods and Days in the Life. Here she is the co-author of a novel about the 1960s scene. The story of Katie, a 19 year old enjoying herself in London, is not autobiographical although there is a strong suggestion that it is fairly close. The bands and band members that feature centre-stage, as it were, in the book are thinly disguised. The Satin Odyssey and its leader Ben appear on page one and it is quite clear who they are modeled on.

This book was first published in 1969 and it caused a sensation at the time. Its tales of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll  may have seemed outrageous at the time although they do not do so nowadays. However, the book does remain fresh and gives a pointer to what is was like to be involved in the music scene, or at least as a groupie on the edge, during the late 1960s. 

mp, September 1999




Published in 1969 by New English Library

Omnibus Press edition 1997



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Last Updated: 30 September 1999

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