beGlad 12:
Summer 1998
- ‘They Were Brilliant, Brilliant
Times’: An interview with Billy Connolly.
- Song And Dance Man: Part 3 of
the interview with Malcolm Le Maistre.
- Late Blooms: Further coverage of
the 1997 reunion concerts.
- First Love: An appraisal and
commentary of the first ISB album.
- Sheep Skulls And Spooks : on the
Welsh Period.
- A Little History Of Pig’s
Whisker: A profile of Robin Williamson’s record label.
- Gilles Crooked-Deal: A graphic
treatment of Robin’s song.
- Kindred Spirits: Further
thoughts on 5000 Spirits.
- Close Encounters Of The String
Kind: Me and the ISB by Raymond Greenoaken.
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